D avid McDonald is the minister for the Chaffee Road church of Christ. He graduated from Orange Park High School in 1975. He earned an Associate of Arts Degree (AA) from Florida Junior College in Jacksonville (1977), a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from Harding University (1979), a Masters of Arts (MA) in Educational Leadership from the University of North Florida (1985), and a Doctorate (EdD) from the University of North Florida (1995).
David has served the Lord’s church as a Bible class teacher, deacon, associate and interim preacher. He served as an elder for twenty-one years. David served as a Director at Florida Bible Camp for twenty-five years. He served on the Lads to Leaders National Board for twelve years and as a secretary and chairman of that board during his tenure. He has served as a National Lads to Leaders Convention Director for twenty-two years in Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida.
David and his wife, the former Loucretia Swearingen, married in 1979. They have four sons (Bryan, Andy, Casey, and Daniel). They have been blessed with seven grandsons. All of their boys married girls from faithful Christian homes. They raised their family in Middleburg, Florida where David and Loucretia still live. Loucretia graduated with an Associate’s Degree from Freed-Hardeman College in 1977. She serves as a Bible class teacher and includes spending lots of time with grandsons, card-making and having coffee with her dog as hobbies. Loucretia stayed at home to raise their sons until the youngest was in the fifth grade at which time she went to work in the Clay County School System as a Cafeteria Worker, an aide for students with Autism and as Media Technology Secretary. She retired with seventeen years of service primarily to spend time with her young grandsons.
David retired from the Clay County School System with 34 years of service in 2017. He served twenty-five of those years as a school principal at the Elementary, Junior High and High school levels. He also taught early in his career for three years at the Greater Jacksonville Christian School. He was named Principal of the Year for Clay County in 2008.
David loves to study God’s Word and to share it. He has put together several study booklets to assist and organize class studies. Some of these include Revelation: A Message for Christians Today Through First Century Glasses, A Historical Review of the Restoration Movement, Angels: A Class Study, A History of Bible Versions, Jeremiah, and Character Studies in First and Second Samuel. He has developed questions to guide teenage and adult classes through A Survey of the Old and New Testaments. He has been honored to speak on various Bible Topics at the St. Louis Area-Wide Lectureships, various youth events, and gospel meetings. He also is happy to provide pre-marital counseling.