Sin has a way of perhaps looking simplistic and safe in the beginning. However, it can quickly engulf one’s life and take a life which once had much promise to a life decimated by the effects of sin. In the account of Achan (Joshua 7), a striking lesson is given by God Himself who states, “They have also put it among their own stuff” (Jos 7.11).
How tragic!! As Christians we can easily know the difference in the rights and wrongs in life. We know how we should speak, dress, treat others, treat our own bodies, and worship God to just name some. The tragedy is we often completely ignore the right and actually and proactively bring sin “among our own stuff.” With the examples God gives us in Old Testament accounts (Rom 15.4) of how His people continued in their sins and refused to hearken unto His words (Jer 6.16-17) and the commands and admonitions to return from their wickedness as New Testament Christians we are admonished to “Abstain from all appearance (or form) of evil” (1 Thess 5.22).
As simple as it might sound, can it really be that simple? Seeking and choosing to do the right thing, all the time is at the core of Christianity. “We are all sinners” (Rom 3.23), but to allow and bring it in “with our own stuff” should be incomprehensible to a New Testament Christian.
As we go through life we often find ourselves perhaps getting as close to sin as we can without thinking we can be burned. Following right behind, getting as close as we can to sin, is bringing in with our own stuff and allowing it to take over our lives. The whole idea of letting in even the appearance of something evil is in direct contradiction with the inspired command and promise, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (Jam 4.10).
As you contemplate even the appearance of evil “among your own stuff” reflect with Peter, “For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them” (2 Pet 2.20-21). Don’t bring sin into your life by getting close. Be different than the world. You are holy, you are sanctified by an almighty God.