T he Chaffee Road church of Christ is organized with elders, deacons, a full-time preacher, teachers, and members as in New Testament times (Philippians 1:1). The current elders at the Chaffee Road church of Christ are Rick Dean and Gerald Stewart. Men serving as elders in the past include Larry Gartin and Billy James. The congregation is currently served with seven deacons: Arthur Bailey, Walter Bennett, Nathan Dean, Tommy James, Travis James, Harold Thomas, and Walter Young. Each of the elders and deacons are scripturally qualified to lead the congregation and serve in the office of deacon (I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). The congregation operates a clothes closet for those in need in addition to helping with other opportunities of benevolence. The congregation supports two missionaries and the Mount Dora Christian Orphan’s Home in a variety of ways. We have Bible Study opportunities on Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evenings for people of all ages from infants through our Senior Citizens. In addition, we have two opportunities for our ladies to gather and study the Bible during the week. We have an active Lads to Leaders Program as part of our Bible Study Program to help develop Biblical Leadership in the church and in the home.
We believe:
- Jesus is the Son of God (John 20:30– 31),
- The Bible is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3:16– 17),
- Jesus will return to take His kingdom (church) home to God (1 Corinthians 15:24) on the Judgment Day at the end of time (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Hebrews 9:27).
- Our worship must be sincere by being in spirit and in truth worship (John 4:24),
- Godly living (Titus 2:11–12),
- We must have love for each other (John 13:33–34),
- We must help those in need (James 1:27).
We believe it is possible to have religious unity in a day of division by simply following the New Testament pattern and putting aside human traditions. To put it simply, the Chaffee Road church of Christ is seeking to be the same church one reads about in the New Testament. We aim to replicate its doctrine, its practice, its lifestyle, and in our zeal as we strive to go to heaven for an eternity, helping as many as we can as we travel on our pilgrimage. We love each other and we love the world God sent his only begotten son to save (John 3:16).