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By September 20, 2022Worship

Every Christian on the day sins are washed away enters into a covenant relationship with God.  On God’s part He promises if we, as Christians, will be faithful unto death He will give us a crown of life (Rev 2.10).  God has never been slack concerning His promises, but in fact has fulfilled every promise He ever made (2 Pet 3.9).  At the same time, He does not want anyone to be lost, so He is longsuffering, giving everyone alive the opportunity to enter in this covenant relationship.

God throughout history has made many covenants with mankind.  Some of these include the promise of: a Savior who would once and for all crush Satan (Gen 3.15), a rainbow which signified He would never again destroy all of mankind with water (Gen 9.11-17), blessing all the nations of the earth through the seed of Abraham through his children with the act of circumcising males as the mark of this promise (Gen 22.17-18), releasing from Egyptian bondage the children of Israel after four hundred years (Gen 15.13), As we conclude our articles on Joshua, God told the children of Israel if they would “take heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul” (Jos 22.5), He would do all of the good things He had promised to the House of Israel (Jos 21.45).

Walking the way of the Lord always takes courage.  Many times throughout the Bible, God’s people were told “Be strong, be of good courage.”  And so today, in the Christian age in which we live, courage and strength are called for.  As Joshua prepared the people for his departure he stated, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served which dwelt on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Ammorites in whose land you now dwell.  But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord God” (Jos 24.15).

Serving God has always been a choice.  A choice, as a Christian, you covenanted to do the day you came out of the watery grave of baptism as a new creature for the rest of your life (2 Thess 1.8).  God will keep His part.  Ask yourself—Am I?  If not, why not.  If not choose to do so from this day forward.  If you have not covenanted with God, you are not a part of the blessings promised, in fact there is an eternity in hell promised by God to those who do not choose to enter into His covenant.  Why do you wait?  “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6.2).

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