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Judge or Savior? He is the Potter!

By September 11, 2021Uncategorized

“But now, O LORD, thou art our father we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand” (Isaiah 64.8).  Similar words to these are found in Isaiah 45.9; Jeremiah 18.1-6 and finally in Romans 9.20-21.  There is further commentary on this thought in 2 Timothy 20-21).  Interestingly enough these words, though stated on four different occasions by three different people (Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Apostle Paul), each carry the same idea—We serve an almighty God who is the sovereign ruler of the universe.  He made us, therefore, we are His.  

God made we as human beings with a powerful option, the option of choice.  The choices we make in this life will determine our eternal destiny.  If we choose to obey and follow God, then by the blood of His precious Son Jesus Christ (Jn 3.16), we have the hope, the earnest expectation, of an eternal home in glory.  That is not what we deserve (Rom 6.23), but thanks be to God He has made us conquerors and given us the victory through His Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Rom 8.31; 1 Cor 15.57).  The other option for us is to not follow and obey God with the consequence of eternal damnation.  (2 Thess 1.8).  

God as our maker, and sovereign ruler has the absolute right to do what He so desires.  That means for mankind, that no matter how many bad choices we make in this life, the promise is made that if we will repent of that evil lifestyle, confess Jesus Christ is the Son of God, be baptized, and live a faithful life after that we will be rewarded.  Though we deserved death, God gets to make that call as the potter.  

However, as the potter He also serves as judge, and know that God has never been slack concerning his promises (2 Pet 3.9).   There will be an everlasting punishment for those who do not know, or choose not to follow. As the potter, he will be a judge, or a savior, depending on our choice of who we will follow in this life.  He has that right.  Want you let Him be your Savior?

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