In our walk with God, we talk about and study many of the characteristics and practices that we should keep in order to stay on the narrow path. Diligence is necessary to remaining focused on the cross. Commitment isn’t just a word. It’s a choice, and it’s a lifestyle. Our lives, committed to being workers for the Lord, should be God centered. We should always be pushing forward (Phil 3:13-14).
There was a rich, young, ruler who stopped Jesus to ask what he must do to inherit the kingdom of heaven. Jesus in turn told him, “You know the commandments…” (Mk. 10:18-19). He went on to list several of the 10 commandments, which at the time were still in effect. The young ruler could have been confident in the fact that he had kept those commandments in his life: he hadn’t committed adultery, murdered, stole anything, he did not bear false witness, or defraud others and he honored his father and mother.
But, instead of an over confidence, he questioned Jesus further, “What do I still lack?” (Mt. 19:20). This question frames a mindset that understands, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Rom. 3:23). Unfortunately for the rich, young, ruler, he cared more for his riches than he cared for Jesus. Jesus gave him a choice that basically broke down to; work for your wealth or work for me.
Though the scripture tells us the man walked away, “grieved” or sadly, from the Lord, he still walked away. He still made the choice that earthly possessions meant more to him than spiritual gifts. The gift of eternal life is the greatest gift a person could hope for, especially given the alternative. Matthew 25:46 reads, “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into eternal life.”
Self-reflection is hard. Sometimes we understand where we struggle and still make the wrong choice. Sometimes, we fail to self-reflect for fear of what we may see, or out of neglect for our spiritual self-care. Regardless, it’s important to know where we are still lacking so that whatever we do, in word or deed, it should be the best we can, working for the Lord (Col. 3:23). The right choice will always be Christ over self. So, don’t be afraid. Take a look. Are we workers for the Lord? Or are we walking away grieving?