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The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus – I AM the Resurrection

By September 18, 2021Worship

Last week as we explored Jesus’ declaration of, “I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn 11.25) we saw both physical and spiritual death enter into the world because of sin.  All of this death was brought about because of Satan’s introduction of lies and sin into the world.

Until Jesus entered the scene the devil was claiming seeming victory after seeming victory.  Jesus’ perfect life served as the perfect sacrifice for all who had lived before and all who would live after (Zech 13.1; 14.8-9).   His sacrifice of blood flowed both ways to forgive all of their sins.  When Jesus Christ came forth from that grave on the third day God overcame death and Satan with an amazing victory.  Because God gave us the victory through Jesus Christ death had lost its sting.  Satan had lost the war (1 Cor 15. 55-57).  Satan may win battles; in fact, he does win battles on a daily basis (Eph 6.11-13).  But, God has won a resounding victory in the War.  Moreover, God promises us that Satan cannot win over us unless we choose to let him.  God promises we will always have a way of escape from every temptation (1 Cor 10.13).  That escape may not always be pleasant, may not always be the most fun, and may not always be easy, but the escape is promised. 

Jesus provides us a way of escaping the second death, that spiritual death, because He and He alone is “The resurrection, and the life.”  Jesus further states that the way to take advantage of, “The resurrection, and the life” is to believe on Him.  We must die to sin (Rom 6.7-11) so that we might live and be free.  

Jesus further states in John 11.25, “though he were dead, yet shall he live.”  Belief is not something we can turn on and off.  We must continue to believe and work because of that belief.  The belief that Jesus demands is an obedient faith, a faith that works (Jam 2.17).  By being dead to sin and obedient to the Word of God we become alive in Jesus Christ.  We are alive in Jesus Christ because He is the “resurrection and the life.”   We are alive in Jesus Christ because he died once and for all of us and was raised from the dead on the third day, thus becoming the “resurrection and the life.”

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